Classes in Bratislava
Age: 5-15 years old
Number of people in the group: 8
Location: Bratislava Lycejna 4
During the course:
1. The children will make up their own story with a minimum of three acts:
  • What was? (where was the hero and what was he doing?)
  • What happened to the character? (the viewer wonders what will happen next).
  • How does it end? (denouement-unexpected, but logical).

2. The children will learn about the close-ups and draw their storyboards, observing the close-ups.
  1. Will drawa hero and the background in one of the different techniques (paper, plasticine, objects, granular materials).
4. Will shoot animation (work as cameraman and animator)
5. Will record a voiceover for their cartoon

This course:
  • enables you to create a collaborative cartoon where each child has a part
  • It teaches the importance of creating together, develops communication skills, and fosters an attitude of fairness towards the work of fellow pupils
  • interesting ideas resonate with the group and stimulate the imagination
  • you can join any class
After filming is completed, the cartoon is edited for 5-7 days and uploaded to our YouTube channel.

Cartoons are shot with Dragonframe professional software

Assembling in Premiere Pro, After Effekts, Lightroom

Sign up!
Price: for 1 lesson - 22 €
If you pay for 4 lessons (1 month) - 75 €
The subscription fee is calculated for a month and includes 4 consecutive lessons.
In case of a missed lesson, the payment for it is not carried over to the next month.
The missed lesson can be made up by attending a class with another group at a time convenient for you.